
Indian Trails Library is fine-free. Fees are only assessed for items that are lost or damaged.

Email Notifications

The library notifies members via email, phone or text for items coming due and overdue items. To ensure notices from the library are not blocked by a spam filter, add indiantrailslibrary.org to your filter or contact your email provider’s technical support.

Fees in excess of $10 will affect your access to library services, including accessing your account, library computers, electronic resources and self-checkout stations.

Lost or Damaged Fees



Software | Multimedia kits, Video games | Audiobooks Original purchase cost, even if partially missing
Other materials Cost of replacement

Pay Fees

  1. At the Checkout Desk: cash or check
  2. At self-checkout: credit or debit cards
  3. Online at My Account: credit card

Payment Plans

Contact: Rosa Lloyd, Circulation Services Manager, by email or 847.279.2208 to discuss payment arrangements.