The main library and branch are closed on Thursday, July 4 for Independence Day.


Table of Contents


Category PDF file
1.10 Bylaws
1.11 Policy Development
1.12 Definitions
1.20 Library Trustee Development
1.21 Library Trustee Ethics
1.22 Legal Consultation
1.23 Expense Reimbursement
1.30 Public Comment

Operations and Facilities

Category PDF file
2.10 Hours of Service
2.12 Middle School Area
2.13 ESL Language Lab
2.14 Launch Pad
2.20 Member Conduct
2.21 Member Suspension
2.22 Food and Drink in Public Areas
2.23 Unattended Children
2.30 Meeting Room Rental
2.31 Solicitation and Petitioning
2.32 Displays
2.33 Filming and Photography
2.34 Study Room Use
2.35 Conference Room Use
2.36 Charity Collection Container
2.40 Communications
2.41 Paid Advertising
2.50 Naming Opportunities and Donor Recognition
2.52 Donation of Items

Services and Collections

Category PDF file
3.10 Member Confidentiality
3.11 Identity Protection
3.20 Library Use and Loan Periods
3.21 Fines and Fees
3.22 Interlibrary Loan
3.30 Internet and Computer Use
3.31 Member Use of Social Media
3.40 Collection Development
3.51 Reference Service
3.52 Library Programming
3.53 Outreach Homebound Services


Category PDF file
4.00 Fiscal Authority
4.10 Investment Policy
4.20 Disbursements
4.21 Corporate Credit Card
4.22 Outstanding Checks
4.30 Disposal of Property
4.40 Debt Management
4.50 Fund Balance
4.60 Capital Assets
5.20 Affordable Care Act Compliance


5.15 Policy Prohibiting Harassment
5.30 Library Volunteers


Category PDF file
I. Notice of Suspension (2.21)
II. Member Confidentiality Supplementary Information (3.10)
III. Reconsideration Request (3.40)
IV. Expense Reimbursement Request

Suggested Pricing List

VI. Ordinances and Resolutions